Pastors | Elders
At Radiant Church we believe the best way to implement the biblical vision of church leadership is in a plurality of elders, or pastors. Both vocational (paid staff) pastors and non-vocational pastors serve together on a team of equals, led by the lead pastor, who is assigned by the team to fulfill a “first among equals” role. We intentionally put the apostolic priorities of “prayer and the ministry of the Word” (Acts 6:4) in front of all other duties. The apostle Peter sums up the responsibility of elders as “shepherding the flock of God…not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” We are committed to the principle that spiritual leadership is influence arising from Spirit-filled example rather than mere appointment to a position. These men are currently serving Jesus and Radiant Church in this capacity.

Andy Snider
Elder, Lead Pastor
Andy has masters and doctoral degrees in systematic theology from The Master’s Seminary, where he also served as a professor for 11 years. After an additional 2 years of teaching at BMA Theological Seminary he was led by the Lord into full-time pastoral ministry at Radiant Church. He is married to the amazing Pam Snider, and together they have three grown daughters and six grandchildren.
Andy's pursuit of seminary classroom ministry was always accompanied by active involvement in local church ministry: teaching classes and Bible studies, discipling young adults, music ministry along with Pam, and more. With the move to Radiant Church in 2016, he sees his new full-time pastoral ministry in the local church as the fruit of these years of teaching and learning. Outside of—or rather, alongside of—his love for the local church, Andy enjoys spending time roasting and brewing high-grade specialty coffee from around the world. This made him and Pam especially glad to move to the city of Austin, which has become well-known for its coffee. Other than keeping up with the kids and grandkids, Pam and Andy enjoy movies, music, and hiking the nearby Central Texas Hill Country.
Favorite extra-biblical quote:
"Humility is the only soil in which the graces root" (Andrew Murray, Humility: The Beauty of Holiness).

Lee Lewis
Elder, Pastor of Soul Care
Lee has been involved in and around the biblical counseling movement since 2005. He has a masters in Marriage and Family Counseling from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with undergraduate work in Theology.
Lee and his family moved to Austin in January of 2018 to serve as Pastor of Soul Care at Radiant Church. He is also serving regionally in a soul care collective with several other partnering churches and is a consultant with Soul Care Consulting.
Before moving to Austin, Lee spent three years in Canada as the Pastor of Biblical Soul Care for Harvest Bible Chapel in Muskoka. During that time he also served in a directing/consulting role for a network of church plants in Ontario. Prior to being in Canada he pastored The Village Church in North Texas for nearly 10 years.
Lee is married to Andrea, and they have four children, Luke, Abel, Leah, and Miriam. Lee enjoys spending time with his family and working on stained glass art if he has some down time.
Most formative book other than the Bible:
All Things for the Good by Thomas Watson

Starsky Owen
Starsky has a few major passions in his life including a passion for Christ, a passion for discipleship, and a passion for his family. He's also been known to get fired up over his Fightin' Texas Aggies.
Growing up in Austin, he met his wife, Monica, in College Station while they were both attending Texas A&M University. They have three very active and busy children, Sydney, Madelyn, and Luke.
When he has free time Starsky enjoys spending it in meaningful conversation with his wife, playing with his children, reading, working out, watching/playing sports, or hanging with friends. Starsky loves to be around people and loves to laugh so he is always up for some fun.
Biblical Hero:
"The Apostle Paul – Paul was a passionate and incredibly disciplined man. He understood God’s grace and his desperate need for it. He also learned, through God’s strength, how to be content in all circumstances."

Lynn Floyd
Lynn grew up in a Texas small border town then moved to Corpus Christi where he attended college and earned an undergraduate degree in Christian Studies and a graduate degree in Spiritual Care. He spent 19 years as a police officer and worked in a variety of roles. He currently serves in a non-commissioned role as a leadership development specialist where he helps employees at Texas DPS amplify their leadership growth and development.
Lynn and his wife Amanda have been married for over 24 years and have 6 children. They are licensed foster parents. Lynn loves to spend time with his family, read a great book and go RV camping!
His life’s calling is to encourage and equip others to build their lives on what lasts!
Lynn has over 30 years of ministry experience where he has served in a variety of ways, including church planter, bi-vocational pastor and non-profit leadership. Lynn is a Shepherd with Standing Stone Ministry and helps care for pastors all over the world.
Favorite book:
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C Maxwell

Herb Bruss
Herb grew up in Michigan and was trained as a Radiographer, where he met his wife and married her in 1979. He received his Bachelor’s degree and later Master’s degree in Pastoral ministries. He stepped away from his job as a medical coder from 2003 to 2011 to pastor two churches in Michigan and Indiana. He came back as a medical coder and is currently working for St. David’s Medical Center.
Herb has two sons, Matthew who lives in Michigan and Adam who lives in Texas. He and Marge love their grandchildren and the children they get to minister in Radiant Kids and the Welcome Team.
Herb’s passion is soul care and he has received his certification from the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC).
Biblical Hero:
"Epaphras, who’s described as “a servant of Christ Jesus” and is “always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God”.
At Radiant Church we have a paid and volunteer staff who drive much of the ministry activity that happens on Sunday and through the week. Their love for Christ and commitment to keeping the gospel at the center of all we do is crucial to being the church Jesus is making us to be.

Josh Tejada
Minister of Worship
Josh grew up in Los Angeles, CA and has served the local church in worship ministry since 2003. Josh has a variety of experience, having led young adults and high school ministry, counseling, and small group ministry. But his passion is to lead God's people in worship and disciple younger leaders to lead well. He has been married to Briana since 2012 and they have 5 kids: Amalia, Bear, Pepper, River and Maribel.
“I love going on dates with my wife! My kids are little so my time is spent playing whatever game they just came up with, breaking up drama & trying to get them to look me in the eyes when I’m talking to them. I love playing, writing, and creating music and I want to do that for the rest of my life.”
“I get the opportunity to plan & create an experience using music & creativity to help guide people's hearts & minds to look to Jesus. The only one who gives hope, peace & freedom to a world that desperately needs it.”
Favorite book:
“Sometimes my favorite book is the last one I just read. The last book that really impacted me was Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years...and Yours by Alicia Britt Chole.”

Becky Illian
Church Administrator
Becky grew up on a horse farm in a small town in mid-Michigan next door to her grandparents.
“My grandpa bred, trained, boarded, and showed Morgan horses and did a whole lot of hay baling.”
Becky moved to Austin in the Fall of 2019. She has been a substitute teacher, a program manager at a nonprofit, worked in child care, and also as an office manager.
She has also been a stay-at-home-mom/homeschool mom, a teacher at homeschool co-ops, American Heritage Girls leader, and been on the women's ministry team. She has 3 children, Matthew, Annaliese, and Juliet.

Jenny Messer
Director of Radiant Kids classes
Jenny grew up in Denver, Colorado where she previously taught piano students and interactive classes to young children with their parents that focused on early childhood development through music. Jenny serves as director of Radiant Kids classes out of obedience to God’s calling and her passion for teaching children and equipping our volunteers to teach God’s word.
Jenny moved to Austin in 2012 with her husband, Rick. They have 2 children, Caleb 6, and Page 3.

Abbie Bruss
Director of Radiant Nursery classes
Abbie moved to Austin 14 years ago after getting engaged to her husband, Adam. Her major in college was Early Childhood Education with an emphasis on Special Needs.
"I’ve loved being in nursery, snuggling babies, since I was young."
"Watching the littlest ones soak up God’s love for them us something I strongly believe everyone should be able to experience. I was given my first opportunity to run a Children’s/Youth Ministry at our previous church and I loved every moment. I feel so blessed to be able to be so involved in the lives of the Radiant kids."
Abbie lives in Round Rock with her husband Adam and their four children Eliana 12, Clara 9, Karlheinz 7, and Olivia Jane 3

John Bolyard
Deacon of Finance

Clint Owen
Deacon of Facilities

Herb Bruss

Nancy Schonfeld